Garden Party is On for February, March & April

Please join us in the usual place—312 Santa Clara in Alameda— for a coffee garden party on the last Saturday of February, March & April. These will be our last scheduled set of garden parties because we have other news, as well.

Thank you immensely for your trust in us as stewards of coffee these past few years. We have treasured the experience of being a small roaster, of bringing out the best in the green beans we have been granted, and in planning, packing and shipping treasures to you. But our journey as a roastery is coming to its conclusion and we’ve be closed our web store for orders this week. 

In many measures we consider the Tetrahedron experiment a success. We feel we have a great product, we have connected with an audience of loyal supporters, and we really enjoy what we do. We also learned to roast, taste, package and operate a small specialty coffee enterprise as a team. But when it came time to decide whether to scale up—and we almost immediately needed to scale up, because we could never quite keep up with demand—we found the burdens to be too risky for where we are in each of our lives right now, both financially and familially. 

We do plan to hold several more garden parties because they bring us immense joy. After April, we’re talking about what might be next—we love the community we’ve built and the garden is meant to be shared—even if we aren’t slinging Tetrahedron Coffee. 

Perhaps this note will prompt feelings, which we’d love to hear. You can write to us directly (email first name or on instagram. And if you’re around, come by on February 26th and talk to us in person at the garden party (or the last Saturday in March or April). 

Very sincerely,

Andrea, Rohan & Alex

Andrea Dunlap